NewsGate Press Network

By Vineet Dikshit

Seeing was believing.

William Shatner, childhood hero to those born during the sixties, who played role of Captain Kirk in Star Trek series finally blasted off into space at the ripe age of 90 in Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin company rocket.

This epic record breaking space flight by William Shatner took place on Wednesday the 13th of October 2021 in Texas, USA.

From blast-off into space and touch down, it was a brief 10-minute flight William Shatner along with three other passengers officially becoming astronauts.

He is now the oldest person ever taking a space flight travelling to the outer limits of atmosphere  – jumping just a little over 100 kms – a marker height set aside to qualify as a certified astronaut.

Upon his return to earth William Shatner spoke magical words describing how deep and dark is up there like death, and how beautiful and blue earth looks from the space with a very thin layer of atmosphere, where all the known life lives.

After stepping out of the Blue Origin space capsule he stunned Amazon’s boss Jeff Bezos, speaking his heart out and getting emotional in the process.